Secure Your Future
The Security Certified Program provides the most comprehensive network security training curriculum available. SCP’s certification options prepare IT professionals to combat the rapidly escalating security challenges facing IT organizations today. IT pros are finding self-study increasingly valuable. SCP course-ware is designed to prepare students for certification quickly and easily. Certified IT security professionals receive consistently higher compensation.
The Security Certified Program offers two certifications to put you on the road to a more rewarding career.
Security Certified Network Specialist SCNS
This certification is the starting point with the Security Certified Program (SCP). SCNS is a required pre-requisite for going further towards the SCNP and SCNA certifications.
Security Certified Network Professional SCNP
The second course in the SCP line-up leads to a certification of Security Certified Network Professional (SCNP). It will give a network administrator the additional hands on skills needed to protect their network from the inside out..